Sunday 15 July 2018

Unintended consequences

So often we make our decisions having formulated what it is we intend. Thus, we make plans for a fundraiser or an event to enhance our understanding of the scriptures or even an event to harmonise relationships between religions.In putting the event, whatever it may be, on we think to ourselves what a wonderful opportunity and when everything goes smoothly we congratulate ourselves on a wonderful event. Sometimes unbeknownst to us our event causes a ripple in the life of someone or a group to the extent that we eventually find ourselves at odds with those around us. The event drags up memories / old arguments / discomfort and sows confusion and doubt rather than bringing harmony and acceptance. The consequence which was unintended. We can see these unintended consequences play out in the story of John the Baptist and David (Mk.6-14-29; 2 Sam 6.12b-19).

Dancing expresses God's Spirit but how often do we frown and seek our own view

Often the result of the unintended consequence is that we actually cut of our heads as opposed to creating new life. Our intentions are good but the result is the opposite to what we would think. God creates through the chaos of our lives forming newness in community. In laying our plans we often times make unintentional slips which cause continued angst with those around us, an unintended consequence. However, let us look at it from a slightly different perspective. When slip ups occur what is our immediate reaction and perhaps this gives us an idea as to where we are. If our immediate reaction is to agonise over it and want to rectify how we do things, does this say something to us. In trying to rectify every small thing that nags at our attention because we are offended, discombobulated, prefer perfection are we missing the presence of God and ignoring the opportunity for laughter and joy. Do we look at only the shortsightedness of human sight rather than the long sight of God's presence in the chaos of our lives.

Herod's intention was to reward a dance but the unintended consequence was the death of John. If we are so focused on what we intend perhaps it will lead to the disruption of what we actually desire in God's presence. By creating our own individual sight and focus we ignore what may be happening around us. John's death reverberated through the community also something unintended but something that in all probability opened the community up to hear God's presence in Christ's teaching. David's dance before the ark of God was inspired by the Spirit but frowned on by his wife. Something that would have long repercussions on the life of David. Yet, is this the message or rather that we need to examine the pettiness of the wife as she focuses on her own image rather than the image of God that brings laughter and dance into our midst.

In organising ourselves and our life as the body of Christ we all have responsibilities to that life. If we begin to believe that our insights are greater than God's then we will begin to find some unintended consequences crossing our path. Is it not God's will to bring peace and yet we forge war and discord. We focus on our own needs rather than the needs of the God of peace in doing so the seeds of unintended consequences are sown in such a manner that we find our selves not with peace but with discord. Following God means expressing the truth in the world, until we can accept God into our lives we cannot deem to speak as an agent for God. Our agency becomes for ourselves with the resultant chaos out of which God will renew life. Let us rather listen to God and not judge what we perceive to be right or the road to perfection. Our judgements will tend to lead us to unintended consequences in the lives around us, sowing discord rather than the peace of God that passes all understanding.

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