Wednesday 18 March 2020

Viral blues

The apocalypse is nigh!! or so say the doomsayers. What it is to live in a time when ordinary souls panic, forget their God given brains, and listen to every rumor that is available and believe every one. There have been a number of recent articles that are factual and present a very different view to those that believe the end is nigh. Yes, political leadership is non-existent but that does not mean that we leave our brains outside to rot in the rain. Yes, we have made fun of a situation that is not that funny but pointing out our own failings in humour is the norm for many people as it releases the tension that others cause. So what should we really be doing as people of the way?

Firstly, as was ably suggested by Douglas Adams "DON'T PANIC". This is perhaps the deadliest response that we can make. Planning and careful assessment of the risks to the community and ourselves comes first. The issue over toilet paper (of all things) is perhaps the best example that can be given. In our assessment we need to consider what it is that God asks of us in our faith journey and act accordingly. I fail to find any indication within scripture to suggest that panic is an option for those who are steadfast in the Lord.

Have faith and have wisdom but don't panic

Secondly, God has asked us and made us in God's image trusting us to respond to that image as we find it in our neighbour. The commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves is a response to this grand undertaking, which is specifically there for those that do not understand our trust in God and God's creation made as an image of God. In creating community we naturally should be looking out for those who are more vulnerable. We would never think of going into see granny (99 yrs old) with a raging infection or communicable disease, why should we think of doing the same when we know we have COVID 19. If we respect granny sufficiently then let us respect each other sufficiently by ensuring that if we have any form of infection we stay away from community gatherings.

Thirdly, if as is suspected, worship services are to be abandoned in the near future, let us re-form and re-understand the meaning of Church and worship. Perhaps this is not the calamity that we believe but rather an opportunity to grasp. Patterns of worship most people agree reflect a falling off in the attendees with a response "Oh the Church is in decline". Perhaps. the "Church" is in decline but does this mean that the faith is in decline? Could we forget about the past and look far into the future, without needing to reference where we came from, so that we can formulate a new way of being the faith rather than being "Church"? We seem to forget sometimes that Christ came into the world to save the world from sin. Not to create sin in how we treat those who do not reflect our "Church" or our "Worship" or our "Theology".

God grant us the wisdom to undertake that which is necessary to love God and our neighbour as ourselves.

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