Sunday 22 August 2021

Walking away

In the last few weeks we have been focussing our attention on Christ's sayings around the bread of life. As intimated last week the concept of eating flesh and blood was an abhorrent one to the Jewish faith. It is therefore no surprise in the context that is portrayed in the gospel that his disciples decided to give up or at least some of them did (Jn. 6:66). These are the ones that did not get what Christ was saying but here is the thing even today we have the same issue of people giving up or turning away. It is to be expected in this day and age, particularly as religion and religious belief has taken a backseat in the lives of people. We can point to a number of causes that have resulted in the situation we find ourselves in today, in terms of faith communities, but that is not really very helpful at the end of the day. Yet, we can also say that when we take up the cross that Christ demands of us the going becomes tough and irrespective of whether we want to blame other mechanisms this is the actual issue when we get down to the basics.

Simon Peter's answer to Christ is perhaps the most basic answer that we have for those who are wont to give up "You have the words of eternal life" (Jn. 6:68). For those that are on the path of faith this must be the greatest statement ever. It is in following Christ's words and actions that bring us to that point where we can grasp the eternal life that is offered. However, the greatest issue we have is in doing precisely that. Last week, I spoke of conforming to God's will and emulating Christ as we seek to ensure justice for the other and not just for ourselves. The walk that Christ demands of us as we partake of the bread and blood in the eucharistic setting is the walk of truth and justice. Above all else as we have seen in the politics of this nation, this is the hardest walk of life and the one that creates the conditions for us to take the easy road. The temptation is to skirt around the truth to your benefit rather than stating the truth for the benefit of the other. We follow along with the majority whether they are subscribing to the truth or to a convenient misdirection.

Walking away is often easier than facing the truth

In our local communities the concept of truth is even more important particularly when it comes to our faith communities. We so often understand our truths by the past and how we ourselves received an understanding of truth. For some the truth that there is a lack of people in church on Sunday is the truth that is of utmost importance. However, the actual truth of God's presence and our understanding that Christ needs to be emulated in thought, word, and deed is the truth that matters most. We pursue that which is most gainful for ourselves not that which is of importance to the other. The burdens that we bear need to be lifted before we can act for the other. Yet, when we walk in truth and justice we immediately forget about our burdens and confront the real burdens borne by others. In this we have to act with boldness and not be bound by the chains that we place upon ourselves (our burdens) but speak out in truth and peace to the community that we serve (Eph. 6:20). This for us is a constant conflict that we must struggle with on a daily basis. Paul's description of the armour of God in Ephesians takes from the military of his day (Eph. 6:14-17) and is often seen as being militaristically burdensome for a mission of peace centred in love.

Yet, if we are to walk this way then there is a certain amount of preparation that has to be undertaken. Both mental and spiritual, so in some ways the advice regarding armour is as accurate today as it was before. We could analogize this again by thinking along virus protection in a COVID world or computer tech but the essentials are the same. Truth keeps us on the right road, keeps the pants on so to speak, just like a good belt. Few people would think of going out without a shirt and when we talk about faith that shirt (no matter whether it is a Gucci or a T-shirt) should be our display of righteousness in the world. We cannot go anywhere without thongs or at least boots in the country and for a good walk we need wisdom and understanding that comes from knowledge of how to ensure peace in the community. A good Akubra hat and a short staff to assist our walk and protect us in need completes our adventuring outfit into the temptations of the world. The only other accessory that is a must, I do admit I have difficulty finding an adequate clothing analogy (handbags do not really work), so I suppose our best is that are electronic equipment best have the anti-virus shield of faith. Who can go without their phone so I suppose faith can be considered as our shield for electronic communication or rather any communication that is about God's presence in our lives, Yet, if difficulties arise these are no guarantees that we will not refuse the challenge and walk away from the path that leads us to God's presence. It is always the harder path that those who have faith must tread that is why it is so easy, like the disciples, to turn away from the path of truth and accept the path of the world.

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