Sunday 9 October 2022

Thanking God

 It is often the case nowadays that the words 'please' and 'thank you' are forgotten in our normal standard conversations. If we then take that into the world of faith I believe that they went out the window a long time ago. Our prayers and our supplications often sound like demands of God rather than a seeking of God's grace to come into our lives and when that grace settles upon us we are too often either upset or astounded to ever think of giving thanks and praise. I indicated briefly a couple of weeks ago that the leper had a deeper significance in the psyche of the Rabbinic interpretations than the straightforward interpretation we place on it today. Perhaps, when we look at the ten lepers in the story from Luke (17:11-19) we can look at it from the point of view of relationships and their worth within the eyes of faith.

Due to how we have consistently seen leprosy purely as the disease we find it difficult to think of it as an indication or analogy of dis-ease within our lives. A dis-ease that places us outside of the community through our lack or mis-understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves. Too often we feel ashamed of who we are as members of a faith group (2 Tim 1:8) and in not making ourselves known through thought, word and deed we suffer dis-ease in the world around us. We are masks that are worn so that people will not feel uncomfortable around us and accept us into their company. We are relying on our own wiles and ingenuity rather than allowing the grace of God to carry us in any situation that we can conceivably be placed into. We are dis-eased from our knowledge of God and Christ's presence in our lives to show a shadow of our selves to others. In doing so we begin to fall away from God and Christ as we take on the persona of the secular society in which we live and the glories of God fade from our lives.

Giving thanks in a spiritual life graced by God

We can only grow comfortable in our faith personas if we actually wear them continually and not the mask that we habit each day to face secular society. We seem to have lost the impetus that was there in the early part of the journey and have now come to a long lonely struggle as if we are going or are in exile. Like the Israelites in exile we mourn as no one comes to the faith being led astray from our purpose by the prophesies of the modern age (Jer. 29:8). We are perhaps not as vigorous in our defence or as prayerful as perhaps we should be not seeking and not knocking (Jer. 29:12-14). In our PC climate we seem to be unable to express our emotions and our absolute faith in claiming retribution against a culture that denies our very beliefs and faith. Yet, we too are to blame as we have sunk into a sort of semi-comatose posture when it comes to our faith journey, without joy and thanks for the endeavours that God has given to us however hard they appear to be. 

The thing that commands our attention at the end of the day is the outsider, the Samaritan leper, who turns back and is reconciled by giving thanks to God and Christ for his acceptance back into society. Yes, the leprosy is cleansed but it is much more than that it is an easing back into the embrace of God and the re-start of the lapsed faith journey. We give thanks for what God has done for us when we realise how badly we have fallen on the road by relying upon our own self indulgences and our own thoughts. We need to judge our own faith progress and not place obstacles in the way of others. Christ only requires that we fulfil the law and give thanks to God for his grace to come to us and cure us of our ills. We need to like the psalmist claim our joy to God (Ps 66:1) that despite being led astray by society God has led us into a new place. Let us give thanks to God for the grace that enables our lives to be filled with the truth of God's love for us and those we form community with. We change society violently with an aggressive love that tells only the truth and not the lies that society would have us believe. Only then can we begin to thank God for the resurgence in our faith that forms around a community that is filled with spiritual prayers and supplications living a life that is formed in Christ and not in our conception of the moral dimensions of human life.

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