Sunday 21 May 2023

Leaving to allow growth

 The direction that we take in the world as Christians is the direction towards living as Christ in a world that is made somewhat complex by a society that no longer believes in things that are connected to the Spirit. One can at best state that the world has very little recognition of  what we would deem to be of faith or involved in something that can no longer be measured by the instruments of the day in scientific rigour. In coming to the things that are written in Scripture we have to sometimes open ourselves up to that side, sorely neglected in this modern world, called the spiritual or the non-scientific. It is in such a world that artists and authors delve in some form or another understanding that at heart there is a fullness to our lives that can be found only in the imaginative and spiritual process that we shun. So what should we take home from such efforts to display something that is over and above that which we consider to be the norm for today's world.

I think that we need to firstly remind ourselves that whatever we understand from the Scriptures that we read they are understood only within our own spiritual life and journey, which is ours to tread and should not be dictated to by others. This does not negate our coming together in community as people who worship and survive together. In stating this it is my belief that the Christian journey is filled with signposts that point towards a way of life which leads to the fulfilment of the Christian story in Christ's Ascension and coming again. One of those signs is the Ascension itself which we must understand within our hearts through the lived life that Christ enables. That life is shown to us by Christ's promise and direction (Matt 28:19-20) to live the commandments and to continue to promulgate this through the making of 'disciples' who will follow the way. We are entrusted as the disciples were with the ongoing demonstration of the commandments given to us.

Seeds leave the mother plant to grow on their own as Christ leaves his disciples to grow on their own

Secondly, it is up to us to follow the path that has been created by Christ's journey on earth that leads to his Ascension. It is not up to others per se although they can guide and coach those that they are encouraging to become disciples. In doing this they fulfil the direction given to all disciples to bring others into the Christian journey. In a manner of speaking the Ascension can be considered to be the precise thing that the disciples required for the new way to become what it is today. Just imagine what life would have been like if Christ had hung around. Just as any person going to university must at some stage graduate so to do those who are apprentices or people learning their profession and calling within the work place. We must leave the teaching behind us and build upon what has been taught in our lives. So to the disciples have been shown constantly, and like all of us often getting it wrong, but must do so now without supervision. They must live out that which they have been taught and take on apprentices for themselves so that they can teach others how to live.

No teacher and no master expects their student or apprentice to remain under supervision but rather to take their knowledge out into the world and bring it to others. Indeed, some apprentices go on to become masters in their own manner. However, we need to remind ourselves that the teachings of Christ / God are indeed the only teachings that are important. Those teachings point us even today towards the correct way of living that the Ascended Christ showed us in his life and expects of us as faithful disciples of his way. That way is a lived way and not one that is one of law and interpretation. It is the small things in life that lead us to love more than the larger. Christ's Ascension looms large for us but it is in the reality of his leaving that the seed he set within the disciples that was given free reign to burgeon into new growth that followed his way of living in love that changed the world. In remembering his departure and leaving his disciples for them to find their own path along the way of love we ourselves must also follow

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