Sunday 25 August 2024

Truth in a broken world

Christ states the truth of his presence in John's gospel (Jn. 6.56 ff) and it is the first thing that is proclaimed as the armour of God (Eph. 6.15) but as can be seen in John's gospel and in our own lives truth is a perception created from our own viewpoint. Indeed, Pilate is famous for asking "What is truth?" in the Johanine version of Jesus' trial. If, truth is as labile as it appears to be, how do we as Christian's respond when it comes to our own lives and the way we interact with our fellow citizens and companions. If we all have our own versions of what truth is how can we even begin to behave as Christ and bring the light of God to the citizens of the world? Perhaps our advantage is that we are able to form a community or rather take companionship along the margins of our society. Make no mistake, we as Christians are on the margins and not in the public square. Those that are in the public square are unable to voice the truth. If we are to form community and companionship on the margins then we must realise that it is only through fellowship that truth arises. This then is the truth of the Christian message, a truth that we can proclaim to all. The gospel is a Gospel (truth) of accepting the other and changing with the other to form the companionship and peace that is borne out of the Christic presence.

A change in our perspective allows us to meet the other in the limnal space

For us to be Christians in the truest sense we need to be people of hospitality for the other. It is in the acceptance of the other that we become truth bearers and truth formers. Stephen Pickard suggests that we are a verandah people worshipping a verandah God. The liminal space of the verandah between the outside and the inside is where we meet and commune. Each space that acts as a meeting place becomes a place of acceptance of the other; a place for the Christian fellowship to meet and become. In accepting the other we accept the bread of life and blood of salvation given to us in the life of Christ, who was forever accepting the stranger on the fringes. It is when our spaces become the verandahs of social interaction and the companionship of Christ's presence that we become truth purveyors. We begin companionship with acceptance of the other which means that our version of truth becomes changed to include the other's version of truth. In doing this we come closer to THE truth that is God's presence in our lives. Only when we have encompassed the other will we come to the truth of Christ's presence and not be bound by our individual truths. Only when we partake in companionship, fellowship and community do we partake of the bread of life and the cup of salvation. This is what is rejected by the scribes, the pharisees and Christ's disciples, the ability to accept the other and the truth of each persons life. We do this only because of our discomfort in the alternate of Christ's discomforting words and the rejection of the others perspective in our search for truth. We pursue that which is most gainful for ourselves not that which is of importance to the other. The burdens that we bear need to be lifted before we can act for the other. Yet, when we walk in truth and justice we immediately forget about our burdens and confront the real burdens borne by others. In this we have to act with boldness and not be bound by the chains that we place upon ourselves (our burdens) but speak out in truth and peace to the community that we serve (Eph. 6:20). This for us is a constant conflict that we must struggle with on a daily basis. 

Paul's description of the armour of God in Ephesians takes from the military of his day (Eph. 6:14-17) and is often seen as being militaristically burdensome for a mission of peace centred in love. Yet, if we are to walk this way then there is a certain amount of preparation that has to be undertaken. Both mental and spiritual, so in some ways the advice regarding armour is as accurate today as it was before. Truth keeps us on the right road, keeps the pants on so to speak, just like a good belt. Few people would think of going out without a shirt and when we talk about faith that shirt (no matter whether it is a Gucci or a T-shirt) should be our display of righteousness in the world. We cannot go anywhere without thongs or at least boots in the country and for a good walk we need wisdom and understanding that comes from knowledge of how to ensure peace in the community. A good Akubra hat and a short staff to assist our walk and protect us in need completes our adventuring outfit into the temptations of the world. The only other accessory that is a must, I do admit I have difficulty finding an adequate clothing analogy (handbags do not really work), so I suppose our best is that are electronic equipment best have the anti-virus shield of faith. Who can go without their phone so I suppose faith can be considered as our shield for electronic communication or rather any communication that is about God's presence in our lives, Yet, if difficulties arise these are no guarantees that we will not refuse the challenge and walk away from the path that leads us to God's presence. It is always the harder path that those who have faith must tread that is why it is so easy, like the disciples, to turn away from the path of truth and accept the path of the world.